• Dot_inspection

    Tire mark inspection

Tire mark inspection

Our solution inspects the quality of colored dots on tire sides, which are used to indicate weight and form. The yellow dot is usually known as the weight mark, while the red dot is known as the uniformity mark. Some tire producers also use other colors indicate these spots. Tires where dots are not applied adequately/are missing/are mistakenly applied twice are eliminated and sent back for repair.

Solution design

  • Inline, optimized for short cycle times (<0.5s)
  • Out-of-the box support for tire sizes from R14–R22
  • Code reading or integration with production system to identify the product type in real time
  • Main optical principles: 2D area scan, color cameras
  • Software: advanced machine vision software and artificial intelligence
  • Parameters checked: presence/absence/multiple application of the dot; quality of the dot paint and shape, code reading


  • Quality inspection of finished tires


The fully automated solution ensures 100% inline inspection of the colored dots. The colored dots check is fast, efficient and reliable, which also means a reduction of costs and returns for our customers.

Each project is a new challenge for us.

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